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Episode 19 – Markets for Makers

Episode 19 - Markets for Makers Interview

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Show Notes

Markets and Pop-Ups are all the rage nowadays, and in Episode 19 I interview Natalie and Trista of Markets for Makers who are KILLING IT with local markets in Clearwater (Pierce St Market), Night Market in Tampa at Ferg’s, Orange Blossom Market out in Lake Wales, and a special Holiday Markets in Tampa and Los Angeles.

Transcript at the bottom of this page!

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Kyle: Welcome to Great Things Tampa Bay. We podcast about great eats, great places, and great people in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. I’m your host, Kyle Sasser, a Tampa Bay native and realtor. This is episode 19, Markets for Makers.

This is the Great Places feed of the Great Things Tampa Bay podcast where you will only hear episodes related to parks, stores, events, shows, and things to do about town. In our main podcast, which you’ll find under Great Things Tampa Bay, in addition to these chats about entertainment and events, we also cover great eateries and delicious grub as well as interviews from the great people, movers and shakers in the area. You can find our main feed at or you can subscribe to us on iTunes or Google Play just by doing a search for Great Things Tampa Bay. Thank you and enjoy.

This is Kyle Sasser with Great things Tampa Bay and I’m here with…

Natalie: Trista Tripp and Natalie Nagengast.

Kyle: Of?

Natalie: Of Markets for Makers.

Kyle: There we go. Yeah. So I found you all on social media and you all are doing some pretty cool and great things in the area. I even overheard, and I’m sorry but I got ears, but you all are looking to expand all the way out to like Lake Wales. Was that it true?

Natalie: Yeah, we’re doing a little, tiny market out there. We’ve been working with other festivals. So it’s been fun. Whenever we get to put a little…even if it’s a tiny amount of local, we always jump at the opportunity.

Kyle: So if you’re anywhere in Tampa Bay, all the way out there, and including Tampa and St. Petersburg, you’ll definitely wanna listen to this, because it’ll be some good stuff. So tell us a little bit about what you all do.

Natalie: Yeah, so we run markets, so we run a lot of local markets in the Tampa Bay area. We’re kind of focusing more as we get bigger on bigger markets less often. So we have a lot of handmade, and we have all kinds of items you can find in the markets. A lot of them are a lot of mom and pop shops and food trucks, etc.

Kyle: So this definitely isn’t like the crap fair, as my wife calls it.

Natalie: No, and it’s not a farmers’ market. That’s where a lot of people get that wrong.

Kyle: Like a lot of markets you go to, you go and everything is basically sourced from China…

Natalie: We do a lot of boutiques because we feel like those have been hand curated and so it’s fun because we get to pick out boots that are not just handmade but they’ve put something together, they took something and they upcycled it, making something better.

Trista: It’s different. We really curate our markets.

Natalie: Sometimes people don’t necessarily hand make it themselves, but they’ll design a T-shirt and then they get it printed.

Kyle: So you all do actually vet the people that you have at your markets. You’re not just taking all comers…

Natalie: Oh, it’s funny. In the first 2 years, we had about 1200 applications and I think we rotated about 400 to 500 out of that 1200.

Kyle: That’s impressive actually.

Natalie: We are very picky but we look at a lot of aspects to each person and each booth and that has been part of the success of our company.

Kyle: No scrubs at the Markets for Makers.

Natalie: No, it’s really hard.

Kyle: How did you all get started with this?

Natalie: I had a handmade jewelry company a while back and I was attending a lot of markets in St. Pete and Tampa, and there weren’t any in Clearwater. And so, I kind of had this idea of, “Oh, let me just put something together, like 40 booths and that way I don’t have to drive so far.” And so, I put something together and it was October of 2015. And I had the first market, we hit 60 vendors, and I found this perfect spot in Downtown Clearwater. And the city was amazing in getting us started and it exploded. It went amazing. So many people turned out because my background is marketing. Basically I had 60 booths and then by November, we had another huge turnout. By December, I went in front of the Downtown Development Board and asked for funding. So they gave us $15,000 right off the bat to get us going and we put all of it into marketing.

Kyle: Very nice.

Natalie: I know. It was awesome. So we got huge.

Kyle: Was there a name for that market? Would people know it?

Natalie: Yeah, it’s Pierce Street Market. So it was on the waterfront in Downtown Clearwater. Basically, we got so big after two years that the city put the whole market out for a public bid because it was of a certain size. And so that’s when I brought Trista on. She came in to kind of…first of all, I had to figure out, “Okay, how are we gonna win the bid or not win the bid, and if we don’t, what are we gonna do?” And Trista’s background was in consulting, go ahead.

Trista: So I basically had a background in consulting for businesses and I was doing that in Hawaii at the beginning of this year, which was really fun and really nice but…

Natalie: She got a really nice tan.

Trista: I had a great tan. I really liked it. But Natalie came up to me and basically, the timing was just perfect. And I was done with the job I was working in Hawaii and she needed help, and I loved the whole idea of it. Because this again is like helping small businesses and it’s helping bring the community together and that’s something that I was just very passionate about. So I came in. I also have a background in fashion as well, which I know is kind of interesting but because of that, a background in PR and helping with that aspect of things. So coming on here, I could bring what I knew about all of that previous stuff into this.

Natalie: And she’s from LA, so she brings a whole big city vibe to our company. I’m from the Midwest. I’m from Indiana, so like, “What do I wear? What do I wear for this TV shoot or photo shoots?”

Kyle: And you’re the, “Uh-uh. Uh-uh.”

Natalie: She knows it inside and out. My style has gotten 10 times better. The girl boss vibe is on point.

Trista: On fleek, as I like to say.

Natalie: Yeah, on fleek. [inaudible 00:06:19]. And so she and I together, we’re able to transition the company over to basically doing a lot of night markets. We got that started before we found out about what direction the company was gonna go in and we’ve just been hustling like crazy.

Kyle: So you started with the one in Clearwater. What markets are you running currently?

Natalie: What happened with the public bid was that two other companies bid and unfortunately we didn’t win the bid, which for us was incredible because that pushed us forward as a company. So what it did was we weren’t even really thinking about night markets. So when we found out that the company could be moving and transitioning into something else, we started the night markets. And so that’s at Ferg’s and the last one was in December.

Kyle: And that’s Ferg’s in Tampa, right?

Natalie: Yeah, downtown across from the Amalie which they’re gonna be moving because of the whole Water Street project. It’s gonna be interesting but everything has exploded for us. We have to be careful with how much we promote now because of how many people come out. Our fire marshal doesn’t like too many occupancy in a small area.

Trista: Exactly. It’s been so successful to the point where we just don’t have to barely market at all. We still put a lot into it because it’s important to us but the fact that we don’t have to is kinda cool.

Natalie: We’ve gotten this reputation and that’s been amazing. And so when we found out about Pierce Street with her, we’re like, “Okay, what do we want to do as a company? Do we wanna just do night markets? Do we wanna try to find a new location for Pierce Street?” I actually was vetting a lot of options for Pierce Street to see if we wanted to move it, but the truth is, is we’ve never been about trying to compete with any other markets. I want there to be more markets. I want all my vendors to do amazing. I don’t ever want to be the reason why someone doesn’t do well, like I had to call a vendor and…do you get what I’m saying? It’s just not what we’re about.

Kyle: High tide lifts all boats.

Trista: Exactly. That’s what we want.

Natalie: Exactly. And we never wanna be the reason why someone doesn’t do well. So the plan was to figure out what we wanted to do and we found a couple of markets that grabbed our attention, like the Renegade Craft Fair is huge all around the U.S. and unique in a way.

Kyle: I’m not familiar. Tell me about it.

Natalie: Yeah. There’s West Coast Crafts. It’s these large scale indoor markets where the booths are more expensive or they charge a door fee, and they are less often but bigger. So that’s kind of…

Trista: Highly curated.

Natalie: Highly curated and what’s great is that they’re not as often so that you can get better vendors, you can do a lot with those. So we basically decided as a company, instead of trying to get so much quantity, let’s work on quality, because we wanted to hire more people and when we looked at having lots of staff and lots of salaries, and we wanna pay people well. Our staff, we wanna make sure that they’re not just minimum when working for us. They’re supporting themselves. This is something that they get to do that they love but also be able to support their families. So we looked at it and this was the future for us. So Trista was incredible and found this warehouse in Ybor, which we’re sitting in Ybor right now because we have a huge holiday market this weekend.

Kyle: And if you all have been wondering about all of the noise in the background, we’re actually at the bunker down here at Ybor City. Lovely coffee shop.

Natalie: If we’re not in Clearwater in our office, we’re in some coffee shop in Tampa. We have a list of our favorites all over the area.

Kyle: This one’s pretty good.

Natalie: Oh, we love the [crosstalk 00:09:34].

Kyle: Also, I like The Hall on Franklin. I just did an episode on that.

Natalie: And then you got the Foundation Coffee.

Kyle: Yeah, that too.

Trista: And we have a great…what was thing that we always get there?

Natalie: Foundation?

Trista: A coffee that we get…it’s not coffee, it’s a tea. What’s this right here?

Natalie: Chai tea?

Trista: They have really good chai tea latte.

Kyle: They’ve got magical tea?

Natalie: Exactly. So we now have the holiday market happening this weekend. So we’re gonna have about 100 vendors for 2 days. And then, we’re bringing in now full beer and wine which goes 100% to a nonprofit. Yeah, we’re working on that one with the educational, it will go towards entrepreneur and entrepreneurs’ college, so that’s gonna be exciting. It’s our future. After December, we might do some night markets but the hope will be is that we have a night market on Friday nights and then we find a great location for Saturday and Sunday. So we’ll just ride out the weekend.

We have a holiday market that we’re gonna probably be doing annually and then anyone that wants to check us out, go check out our website which is And we’re probably going to have, quarterly, a large market in the Tampa Bay Area. We found this amazing warehouse in Ybor, so the longer we can have it, we might do something every other month. At this point, we’ll try to…because we’ve painted the whole place. It has been quite a project.

Kyle: Put the heart into it.

Natalie: Oh, my gosh, and we’re so happy because it looks so amazing now. And so, we’ve that one and then we have an LA market.

Trista: We do.

Kyle: Exciting, exciting.

Trista: Yeah, we’re on bose [SP] coasts. I just said bose coasts, I meant to say both coasts.

Kyle: I felt that was like the cool new term.

Trista: Oh yeah, I just create new terms as I go.

Natalie: But we’re trying to expand into major cities so that way, we can have our own footprint in the big city.

Kyle: For a long time, listeners of the podcast, you might remember Alessandro and the Aoki Family, they’ve also been out in LA and New York and stuff like that. So I’m gonna try to hook you all up and you all can collaborate and…

Natalie: Oh, I love it. I love it.

Trista: I would love that.

Kyle: Get something done. There’s some good guys over there.

Natalie: Oh, yeah, it’s so much fun. Yeah, that’s our future. It’s is going to be hopefully all over the U.S. and lots of big markets less often.

Kyle: I love it. What do you feel is your most successful failure?

Trista: I think this will be our greatest learning experience and probably the thing that we’ll look back on as being so happy for it having happened.

Natalie: Yeah, it was a bit of a shock because for me, you create something, you put your heart and soul into it for a few years and to hear that it was going to be changing than what I had expected before. And I think that at some point though, I looked at it and was like, “You know what? I’m a little bit outgrowing this.” At the moment, it didn’t necessarily…it was a bit of a, “Oh, my gosh, what happened?” And then afterward, I looked at it and went, “Okay, this is a great opportunity for someone else to hopefully grow their business and then this allows me to take that next forward.”

But as far as small, little failures, we fight generators every night market. And that’s always fun.

Trista: When the lights are going on/off, on/off. Why won’t it stay?

Natalie: I know our favorite amazing failure.

Trista: What?

Natalie: I talked Trista into getting a trailer. And we’re like, “Okay, we’re gonna get this trailer. We’re gonna pull up to all of our markets…”

Trista: And I was really not into it by the way. I was like, “Convince me, Natalie, convince me.”

Natalie: It was like a $5000 trailer. I’m like, “Okay, it’s so cute. It’s vintage. We’re going to get made. It’s gonna be amazing. We’re going to have all of our outside markets…” This was before we decided to the less often markets, so I was like, “Okay, we have to go.” And we only got a couple days to get there. So we literally were driving up to Chattanooga where this trailer is being built.

Kyle: Now, that’s a good drive.

Natalie: And there is a hurricane coming.

Trista: We were trying to outrun the hurricane.

Natalie: This was that hurricane that hit Alabama. It was like the fourth hurricane that came through. So we’re trying to outrun all of this hurricane and the wind. We drive up to Alabama…not Alabama, Chattanooga. We drive up to Chattanooga and we’re doing like 95 miles an hour to get there. It still took another like four hours. I feel like…

Trista: Every time we stopped to get gas, it added an hour.

Natalie: It did. Every time we stop for like 10 minutes, it was like, “Okay, another 45 minutes to get there.” So we go to pick this thing up and we buy all these tarps and we wrap it up, and there’s this like…

Trista: It looks like a narwhal.

Natalie: I know. There’s this huge pole sticking out the back, and we had to wrap the whole thing. We’re exhausted and we’re driving like…we were really ready to be…

Trista: We looked like complete white trash [crosstalk 00:14:01].

Natalie: Well, I had my slippers on and I had my…like I just looked terrible. So we drive up there, we wrap this whole thing, and then the brake lights keep going out. We’re driving it back.

Trista: So slow.

Natalie: It took twice as long to get home. We’re at the Florida and Georgia line, and it’s a two-way act.

Trista: We’re trying to outrun the hurricane coming at 20 miles an hour.

Natalie: And it’s the weekend… All the kids are graduating, so every single hotel is totally booked out. And so it was a nightmare and it was something where it’s still sitting in a warehouse of one [crosstalk 00:14:33] Shout out for Rockin’ Rhino which is an amazing company because they do collectibles, because they have been housing this trailer for a month. And we’re gonna have to drive the whole trailer back up, because we have to like put the skins on and we have to paint it. And we’ll probably just sell it because at this point, we’re not going to be doing as many outdoor markets.

Trista: It’s not what we’re gonna do. So it was a little bit of a waste.

Kyle: Yeah, but the one truth about being an entrepreneur and owning your own business is things never…you never end up where you think you’re gonna be. [crosstalk 00:15:03]

Natalie: The other thing was was the tarp kept ripping. So we duct taped it…

Trista: There was so much duct tape on this thing, we looked like crazy people.

Natalie: [crosstalk 00:15:11] I’ll send you a picture, because we duct taped everything. And then, we were fighting over the fact, like, “Oh no, you need more here.” These wires…

Trista: We kept 10 rolls of duct tape by the way. You can get the idea of how much duct tape was used.

Kyle: If you send that to me, I’ll put that up on the show notes, I’m sure some people will wanna…

Natalie: I will send you the picture. We looked like [crosstalk 00:15:31] a little smiley face on the back. One day it’ll be beautiful but we have to drive this whole thing back up to Chattanooga. And I’m like we’re just staying there for a few days and enjoying that beautiful area.

Kyle: Yeah, there’s lots of good stuff up there.

Natalie: Yeah, so that was probably the one time in which we came home after 25 hours of driving.

Trista: We wanted to kill each other.

Kyle: Yeah, that’s probably was not the best use…

Natalie: Yeah, we needed to take a moment after and…there were certain points when I’m like, “Let’s just put a Book on Tape on for a long time and podcasts.”

Kyle: There you go.

Natalie: It’s a really cute vintage trailer. If we could figure out what to do with it, we would keep it. I think we’re gonna probably fix it up and…

Kyle: Well, if anybody is in the market for some interesting trailer and they like the looks of it…

Natalie: It looks like an old Shasta. So cute.

Kyle: So where do you see yourself in five years?

Natalie: Our year plan this year would be to do at least five or six markets.

Trista: Major markets.

Natalie: Yeah.

Kyle: That’s 2018, right?

Natalie: That’s 2018 and we wanna be able to do at least 2 or 3 holiday markets, 3 different cities in December, and then more probably the next year. It’s a matter of how many can be done without going down in quality. So we are always slowly adding people to our team and it’s a lot to bring in a new market. It’s like starting a whole new company because you have to go, vet a lot of new vendors. But as we get bigger and bigger, we hope that our reputation gets better and better as it has been. We’ve exploded this past year and a half.

Kyle: Yeah, it sounds like it.

Natalie: No, 2 years we’ve been in business and we have now 50,000 plus followers.

Kyle: I’m still working to figuring out that section and space.

Trista: Oh, we love social media. That’s definitely our forte.

Natalie: Yeah, it’s a lot of constant…posting all of the time.

Kyle: So my forte is tenacity and follow-up, as you all probably know, because I sent out quite a few follow-up emails. [crosstalk 00:17:17]

Trista: So we appreciate that, we appreciate that..

Natalie: When you’re juggling…I don’t know, I probably answer around 100 to 150 emails a day.

Kyle: The one rule in sales is most sales…and I consider this sales because I still do on interviewing, but most sales happen on the ninth or more contact.

Natalie: Ninth or tenth, yeah, I read that.

Trista: As entrepreneurs, as business owners, we appreciate that. There’s so much going on all the time and it’s so nonstop. It’s the person that keeps persisting and keep going for it.

Natalie: That’s how we are, too.

Trista: Those are people who, like, yeah, we need to do this.

Kyle: Or have the software to remind you, which is my case. Is there one problem that you wish that you could solve right now?

Trista: More hours in a day.

Natalie: Oh, my gosh, that’s…

Trista: If we could figure out how to get more hours in a day. We’re doing so many things that [inaudible 00:18:04]

Natalie: Well, the thing…I don’t know if you’ve ever had this with emails, but you come to your email box, check, “Okay, great. I have 75 emails I need to get to today.” You answer them all and then you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, you still have 75 emails.” Because everybody answers you back. That’s why I love answering at night and I love answering on airplanes.

Kyle: Personally, I keep a zero mailbox policy. So I look at it two or three times a day. So like what my real estate clients would tell you, like I tell them, “If you send me an email, I’ll get to it but it’s not going to be immediate.” I just zero it out every day. I don’t usually read stuff. I just delete it if it’s not pertinent, just ruthlessly.

Natalie: I’m a believer in unsubscribe. Any time I get something I’m on a list, I’m quickly like “unsubscribe.”

Kyle: But please don’t unsubscribe to the Great Things Tampa Bay newsletter please.

Natalie: Oh, no way.

Trista: No.

Natalie: [crosstalk 00:18:48] That’s when I haven’t signed up for it and somehow they sign me up for some random investment something.

Trista: It happens more often than I like.

Natalie: It’s some random person in Kentucky trying to sell me houses or something…

Kyle: It’s true. I know, like me personally, because I have a list that I built over the years and whenever I start up something new, I use the list for that. I apologize but sorry, not sorry.

Trista: [inaudible 00:19:15] sorry, not sorry.

Kyle: Any memorable booths you’ve had to reject or cancel?

Natalie: There’s a lot of booths that are an amazing fit for our company but I don’t know, like there are some that are terrible, that we don’t really know what they did, they are like upcycling something and they have no idea what they’re doing.

Kyle: Like hot-gluing shells on the things or something?

Natalie: That’s a big one. That’s a really big one is like hot-gluing shells on to random items which sometimes have no purpose. But what I say is that there’s a lot of markets out there and sometimes they’re just not a good fit. I know our target market and I know the right fit for our target market is women between 20 and 40. And so I happen to be one of those women and so I put items in the market that I would personally buy. Sometimes I put items that I would maybe buy for my parents too, but I really don’t have any grandparents around, so I don’t really know what they would buy or not buy. So we tend to stick to specific types of vendors that do all kinds of different things like candles and…

Trista: Totally, all of that. We also find that between 20 and 40, I just wanna touch on that, those are the people that are buying the most as well, spending a lot of money.

Natalie: For us, we have a lot of boutiques. We have a lot of, like I said, candles.

Kyle: I don’t think about going to markets other than the times that my wife is like, “Yeah, let’s go,” and I’m like, “Uh, all right.”

Natalie: Exactly. So we try to put some men’s items in there. We have beard care and…

Kyle: It’s appreciated.

Trista: We do think about you guys.

Natalie: What’s been great about the night markets is there’s a bar. So the guys go to the bar and the women…

Trista: Yeah. So it’s kind of a win-win.

Natalie: But you know what’s funny, because there’s a lot of amazing artists, like fine artists, and they try to get into our markets and they’re not the right fit because most of people, they’ll spend anywhere from $10 to $50. So when you bring in a couple of $100 item, they’re just not gonna buy it.

Kyle: Yeah, it’s tough. I couldn’t imagine dropping $2000 or something on a piece of fine art.

Natalie: Hey, that’s when you have made it and I feel you don’t really make it until, unless you’re really lucky, until you’re 40 or 50. But even then, it’s like, I don’t know, for us, if you have a lot of money and you are our age, you’re gonna be investing it into real estate.

Kyle: Please give me a call.

Natalie: Exactly. [inaudible 00:21:20] Most people, if they had a great following and they’ve got some really great products, that’s awesome. Sometimes, there’s fair food, and we don’t really… We just know who we are.

Kyle: No fried butter at Markets for Makers?

Natalie: No, not with us but you can go to the state fairgrounds. [crosstalk 00:21:36] experience. So you need to know who you are and embrace it.

Kyle: Yeah. Gotta hit the market.

Natalie: Exactly.

Kyle: So what exactly does it take to get a booth at your market?

Natalie: So our website,, has all of the markets listed and then you can apply. Some of the applications have a small fee, anywhere from $15 to $25, but others are free depending on our timeline. And if it’s a newer market we tend to try to incentivize people in and once we fill up, we’re full, that’s why we have a little bit of a fee is because it covers a lot of administrative costs.

Kyle: Yeah, and there’s always administrative costs.

Natalie: Oh, and try to make sure people are really serious about the fact that they really wanna be in the market because we don’t want people applying and then we never hear back from them. And so when we’re looking at a booth, we’re looking at their overall layout, their products. We look at their social media. The first thing I do, I don’t even look at the photos they sent me. I go directly to their Instagram and their Facebook. And I’m looking at how many followers do they have and how often do they post.

Trista: And it kinda shows us how serious they are about it. You know what I mean?

Natalie: Yeah, a person that’s more serious in trying to build their brand is going to be a higher priority for us to put in the market than somebody that it’s just a side hustle. If somebody has left their job…I remember there was this one company that was like, “We left our jobs to do this.” That was the company name. I was like, “What is this? What is it that you’re selling?” I don’t know if they’re still in business. I just know that they weren’t quite the right fit for us, but we love the passion.

Kyle: And honestly, I’m intrigued that you all actually curate your booths like that.

Natalie: It’s having a really amazing selection of vendors and then it’s also, for us, we’ve been really focusing on the vendor experience. And so we have, like for this next market that we have, huge Instagram walls, we have a whole Christmas wrapping station for free.

Kyle: Awesome.

Natalie: Yeah. So when somebody comes in the door, even though we have a ticket sale, then they feel like they’re coming in for a memorable experience. They’re supporting the entire market. What that allows us to do when we have a ticket as well for any of our markets is we get to take all of those vendor fees and dump it right back into marketing and helping promote those businesses inside the market. So that way, it incentivizes us as owners to get a lot of people through the door and so it’s a really great strategy that seems to be working really well for us.

We have our market this coming weekend and we have presold over 1000 tickets and e expect thousands of people out for the night.

Kyle: That’s pretty good. It’s almost like a self-driving machine almost.

Natalie: I’ll tell you about my [inaudible 00:23:59] I have to hustle in order to make sure that you’ve got people here. So your money is safe with me, it’s going into the user experience, it’s going into marketing and…

Kyle: And they can see where it’s going.

Natalie: Exactly and I love it. It’s so great. We want it to be something where someone walks in the market and it uplifts them, and we’re lifting an entire community. That’s the part of our game plan since day one, is know we could work…there’s a lot of different types of jobs out there and it’s great. Especially for you, you’re helping people find a new home and that helps the entire community.

Kyle: So two final questions. First up, wind or rain, what is the mortal enemy of outdoor markets?

Natalie: Definitely wind. You cannot have a market with wind. You can have a market with rain.

Kyle: Yeah. Those sandbags can only do so much.

Natalie: Oh, my gosh. You can’t even set up a table sometimes. Especially in Clearwater, it was just insane.

Kyle: What’s the funnest part about getting an outdoor market permitted, with the various cities and municipalities?

Trista: There’s fire… Oh, what is funnest part?

Natalie: There’s a lot of hoops to jump through and there’s a lot of people that could just say, “No, you can’t have this market.” We try to make sure we get the whole city on board with the entire idea of what we’re doing.

Trista: The funnest part is when we get the permit.

Natalie: Yeah, that’s the best part.

Kyle: You’re just like, phew.

Natalie: It’s literally like, “Please tell me we’re good to go.” I almost had a heart attack because we needed to make sure that we had the fire sprinklers in place for this big warehouse and it was [crosstalk 00:25:26].

Kyle: Fire marshals are always fun.

Natalie: It’s scary but it’s also one of those things where you have to, as a business owner, understand their job is to keep everyone safe.

Kyle: For those who aren’t familiar with it, if a fire marshal finds something an issue, it’s usually going to be $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 to… [crosstalk 00:25:42]

Natalie: It’s like, “Oh, by the way, you need to fix your sprinklers this time. Yeah, that’ll be $50,000.

Kyle: And it’s not like you need to add a whole new zone. It’s, “Hey, this needs to be four inches over this way.” I have had experience.

Natalie: Yeah, you get it. I think the one great thing about us as a business is that we understand that they are there for everyone’s safety. And if we can keep everyone’s safety our number one priority and really acknowledge that and tell them that’s what we’re about, they are a lot more easier to work with than trying to fight them. So we try to create a really great relationship with the community including anyone that is there because, for us anyone that’s in police and fire, we’re so thankful.

Kyle: Good stuff, good stuff. All right. Well, thank you so much, Trista and Natalie, for being on. If you people wanna know more, where should they go?


Kyle: And we’ll have all this information in our show notes as well as I’m imagining a hilarious picture of a trailer that was towed all the way back from Chattanooga.

Natalie: Oh, yeah. Oh, my god.

Trista: Oh, we got a narwhal to show you.

Kyle: Well, thank you so much and check them out.

So I want to take a little bit here towards the end of the episode, just going to give a little information on what we’re doing. We’re lining up some new things for the new year here. One of the things we’re doing is reaching out to local bands and musicians, asking them to submit music that they would like featured on the podcast. We’ll probably put it in the lead-in and give a shout out to them in the show notes and also on the audio here. Pretty excited about that. I had a lot of great feedback in my initial asking who everyone would like to hear.

Things should be going pretty well here towards the new year. We’re going to be having some new episodes out. Specifically, there’s gonna be a Christmas episode coming out. So keep an eye out for that. And that’s going to be full of great stuff like where to go to see some cool lights, just holiday events, where to go ice skating, all sorts of cool things like that to make it feel like the holidays.

Segment 2. In England, there is a hereditary office known as the Queen’s Champion, and his job is to defend the monarch against any challengers. Whenever you hear the phrase “throwing down the gauntlet,” that is what this guy actually did. Historically from what I read, he would throw down the gauntlet three times during the coronation and he would basically call people out and challenge them to a fight if they wanted to try to challenge the claim of the new king or queen. And they also are the standard bearers, so whenever the king or queen goes into battle, this would be the guy next to him with the flag on the pennant and horse charging and all that. This is still an actual position in the English Order. It’s still an actual position and the current heir to the office is an accountant, which is relatively amusing.

Thank you for tuning into the Great Things Tampa Bay podcast. It’s been a lot of fun this year and we’re going to continue having fun next year. I would like to ask that you share a little bit. Just think of one person, just one person. Just share this with them. Just go to the website and share it with them. It’s really going to be through your referrals and your friends how we’re gonna build the following for this and make it into something truly awesome. I’m very appreciative of you all listening and looking forward to 2018.

And before I forget, if you like the podcast and would like to support it, all you need to do, just go to our website, There’s a link there. You’ll see the Amazon logo. Basically, just click on that. That’ll take you to the normal Amazon site and just shop on Amazon as you would normally do. They pay us a little bit of a commission just for sending traffic. So if you’d like more content like this, just go to our website and click on the Amazon link. Thank you so much.

Category Episode Great People Great Places Location St Pete

Episode 12 – World Thrift Popup Shop and Kitchen

Episode 12 - World Thrift Popup Shop and Kitchen

play Great Things Tampa Bay

Show Notes

In Episode 12 we interview Berto, Nick and Alessandro of the AOK Family, World Thrift Popup Shop and Kitchen


Transcript at the bottom of this page!

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You will typically spend six months of your life waiting for red lights to change to green

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Kyle: Welcome to “Great Things Tampa Bay” the podcast about great eats, great places and great people in the greater Tampa Bay area. I’m your host, Kyle Sasser, Tampa Bay native and realtor. And this is episode 12 and I’d like to thank you for giving us your time. I know there’s lots of things vying for your attention and I appreciate you choosing to spend your time listening to me and this podcast. I promise I’ll do my best to bring you something great. I did wanna give a little bit of an update to our podcast format.

We’re actually changing it a little bit. This form is a little shorter than usual. So we are shortening up the format, we are going to try to keep it between 15 and 22, 23, 24 minutes. We’re also only gonna do one main segment part and to trade off on that is we’re going to move to a weekly release. Also, in addition to the main “Great Things Tampa Bay” podcast which you’re listening to right now, we’re setting up three separate feeds just in case you don’t really have any interest in some of the things we talk about.

So we’re calling this “Express” feeds and if you look on iTunes or Google Play, wherever you get your podcast feed, you can do a search for “Great Bites Tampa Bay’ and that’s gonna be for, you know, our food reviews and restaurants. “Great Places Tampa Bay” is going to be about events and parks and all sorts of things to do in the area. And then “Great People” is going to be our interview feed. So if you listen to the main feed which you’re listening to right now, then you’re gonna get all three of these.

This is just for people who just don’t have any interest in making a…maybe they hate “Great Food” for some reason and, you know, they can like just to listen to the “Great Places” and the “Great People” interviews that we do. Looking in our website those will be listed under “Express” feeds and we’ll have a little bit more information for that at the end. This is episode 12. We’re calling this World Thrift. AOK Family and Pop-up Shop and Kitchen and that’s segment one, World Thrift.

So I was able to interview some local entrepreneurs by the name of Nick, Berto and Alessandro and basically they run a thrift store and also they do a pop-up shop which, you know, if you’re a little bit older, you might not know, but it’s, kind of, all the rage right now. But basically, it’s just a little booth that pops up. It’s kind of temporaries, a lot of times it’s just part of a larger group of them or festival but it can also just be an event that’s hosted on its own and basically, you know, they set up a little booth, they have some clothes in particular.

They also have food from a great chef in the area here. So kind of adds a lot of interest and value to the area and had a lot of fun interviewing them, hope you enjoy listening.

So I’m here today with the AOK Family and I’m gonna let each of them introduce themselves.

Berto: Hey, how you guys going? It’s Berto.

Nick: I’m Nick.

Alessandro: And Alessandro.

Kyle: They’re some entrepreneurs here at St. Petersburg and nationwide doing some great things.

Alessandro: So as the AOK Family, we’re basically just a collective group of individuals. We don’t like to go by, like, incorporated or anything like that because we feel that any one that’s in this with us is family. So that’s why we came up with the name AOK Family and what we do is just each of us have different visions and we all come together to help each other out and bring them all into fruition basically.

So, I personally have a brand. It’s called World Thrift that we’re all in on and that’s a buy-sell trade business where we buy sell trade clothes, vintage, anything that has a resale value clothing-wise, we want it.

Berto: So basically, I’m a chef and well, we do catering and private chef company. We do creations by Berto and I also work at a lot of the events. We basically bring my own twist on diner classics and Street food…

Kyle: That sounds delicious. What’s your best dish, do you feel?

Berto: We could do best sell. We probably had for dinner our first plate. I made a homemade peanut butter and a strawberry jam, like, deep fried, like, a French toast and topped with banana fosters.

Alessandro: It’s like a good midnight snack, top dish. It was real good.

Kyle: All right, cool. So Alessandro, you got the clothes, right?

Alessandra: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: And Berto, you got the food?

Berto: Yeah.

Kyle: So Nick, what’s your key role in all this?

Nick: What do you call it, Alessandro?

Alessandro: The FLO, F-L-O, so Financial Legal and Operations, but on top of that, like, Nick is in it, like, Nick’s in it with the food, Nick’s in it with the clothe. Like, Nick came over yesterday and he had a bag full of thrifted stuff that he went out and got himself, so he does everything.

Kyle: So on the food front we have American Street food.

Berto: I’m like classically trained, so like French and Italian cuisine and I work at the Birch & Vine now. So I do a lot of fine dining, food and good plating and stuff there. So, I do that twist on, like, say you’re walking around New York or in L.A., like, any other street food you have out there, all the little bodegas and stuff. I put my own little twist on it, my flavor and I try to bring, you know, a little bit higher end touch for a little price.

Kyle: Yeah. Well, I will say, speaking of Birch & Vine, my wife and I went there a few months ago and had the Carpaccio with the gorgonzola ice cream [crosstalk 00:05:13].

Berto: Yeah. Oh, God.

Nick: Nice.

Berto: I like that place, it’s delicious.

Kyle: So how did y’all meet? How did y’all get started?

Alessandro: So Nick and I met at the bus stop when we were in middle school. I was in sixth grade and he was in seventh and me and Berto met…I still work there actually part-time at the Brown Boxer at Madeira Beach. I’ve been working there since I was 18 but Berto was just working there. One day I just said hey to him basically. We had never met. I had heard his name. He had heard mine. We had mutual friends and stuff.

So, I don’t know, the connection…Like, our friendship just really kicked it off. We actually only met maybe like four years ago. So it’s pretty crazy that we are as close as we are.

Kyle: Cool.

Nick: We’re all really close but this whole venture didn’t really start until March actually getting things down brass tacks, working out the numbers and figuring things out, that’s when it all started, March of 2017.

Kyle: Also, I was kind of an onlooker I guess, you could say, because Alessandro, I had kind of known you around that time, we’d meet a couple times. And yeah, I just saw y’all kind of take off from, you know, just a few little blips on social media and then basically a flood of stuff, y’all went all over the nation, right?

Together: Right.

Kyle: Doing shows and stuff.

Nick: We were out in New Orleans, we just got back from L.A. not too long ago.

Alessandro: Yeah. We were in Los Angeles in June, we went to New Orleans, I think in May and those were like back-to-back events. And New Orleans we did a couple like small pop-ups just in the area but in L.A. we did a couple different ones. We were out at Venice Beach. We did one in downtown L.A., like a rooftop pool area, and then we did one at a clothing store, which I’ve got their shirt on, it’s Good Mood and so that was actually…

We held like a pop-up shop and kitchen there and it was actually the first time I was ever able to do a fashion show, which I really liked, and we just did another one this weekend at Furnish Me Vintage. So that was the second one I’ve ever done.

Kyle: Yeah. So who does the social media?

Berto: We all help.

Kyle: Because I gotta say, you all do a really good job and it’s very interesting. I mean, I know I’m not exactly your target demographic, being an older…

Alessandro: Actually, believe it or not, you are. You guys have more money to spend on us because we have friends that, like, they’ll support us till the death of them but, you know, they might only have $43 in their pocket and we always want all of our events to be for everyone. I have a lot of girls that are like, “Oh, I can’t come because I have my son that day or a guy.” “Oh, I have my daughter.” Bring them along. We always try to make it all inclusive and fun for everyone.

Kyle: And just for the record, your ages are?

Berto: I’m 27.

Nick: Twenty-five.

Alessandro: Twenty-four.

Kyle: All right. And your lovely host here is 38 years old. So we have the American food, right, with the artisanal touch I guess you could say, right?

Berto: Let’s keep American, but like I said, since I’m Italian-French, like, trained, I bring a lot of the elegance the Italian food brings but with like a grilled cheese or like a cheese cake or something, you know.

Kyle: Like, how would you describe the clothing?

Alessandro: I just watched a couple other brands and different people selling stuff online and everyone has their markets. So if you go online, I have some friends, they specifically only sell jerseys because that’s just what they specialize in. Some people only do vintage. Some people just do band tees. With our concept of world thrift, I want to try to have everything. I want to be able to appeal to everyone and then, also another thing that goes into is I’ve always really loved to travel, you know.

A lot of people they’re like St. Pete vintage or San Francisco vintage and they’re only thrifting out of that one area whereas anytime we’re traveling, anytime I go out of town, I’m grabbing stuff. So that when you buy something I can maybe let you know where it came from or…

Berto: Give it a little background story.

Alessandro: Yeah. Give it a little bit more of a story than just, oh, we just found these in the local thrift stores in St. Pete. Sometimes like, the pants I’m wearing right now, like, I got these from Malaysia, you know, so…

Kyle: And a lot of times the story is actually what’s gonna sell something.

Berto: Yeah. And makes it.

Alessandro: Right. So yeah, I guess in short, I try to bring in just the best of everything really.

Kyle: And I’m looking around here, we’re kind of in storage room currently in, you know, I’m seeing some colored shirts and some Umbro jackets. Very ’90s feel would you say?

Together: Yes. Definitely.

Kyle: I was gonna say, this does kind of remind me of my middle school.

Alessandro: There you go.

Kyle: I don’t see a starter jacket around.

Nick: We have members only.

Kyle: Members only. I like it.

Alessandro: A lot of it’s nostalgia honestly, people see something that reminded them of when they were young. Maybe they didn’t have that item or couldn’t get it, now they can so that’s a big thing.

Nick: A lot of our customers are sports fans, just getting a piece that really takes them back like, we have this Dolphins’ shirt jersey 95. Last year, Don Shula, was head coach. If you’re a true Dolphins’ fan you’re gonna love it and that’s what we try to bring to a lot of our pieces, you know, and say, “I have to have it.”

Kyle: So my brother, bless his heart, is a very long suffering Buccaneers fan and I know that he has a lot of lover’s heart for the old Buccaneer, Bruce, you know, from the ’80s. They were breaking all the wrong record, I should say. So y’all are traveling around the country doing shows, doing all sorts of great things. What was the best failure that y’all have experienced so far?

Berto: We kind of split on that one. We had a easy like Sunday morning brunch event at the Green Bench Brewing and it was on the outside looking in it went great. But for like our opinions, like, the power wasn’t working, the band weren’t playing quite the right music we wanted. Everything was like, I had a meltdown.

Nick: Yeah.

Alessandro: We all had headaches by the end of the day and we were…

Berto: And it was a long night. It was first like early morning event, like, all of our events…So we kind of, that’s when we get our sleep, you know, I’m up prepping till 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning so I crash out at like 7:00 or 8:00 and get a four-hour nap and this one, like, the event started at 11:00. So like, I got done at like 7:00 or 8:00 and it was just like, all right, shower and it’s pack and it’s [crosstalk 00:11:00].

Alessandro: Let’s get it going, yeah.

Kyle: So that was down at a Green Bench?

Berto: Yeah. They’re doing wrong. We love Green Bench like, they worked great with us, let us host this amazing event. It wasn’t anything to do on them. It was just like small things just kept little domino effect, you know, that butterfly’s wing and whatnot.

Alessandro: That’s a good example of a really good event that, you know, just have like a couple things go wrong, but we’ve also done events where it was just such short planning. We literally tried to throw an event together in like two days and two days later when we get up and get over there and set up, I think like three people came the entire night. So definitely, a couple different ways you can like define like best failures or worst failures but those are some of them.

Berto: I was high on that place, man. Nowhere I was snoopy boy.

Kyle: Those are the one you’ll tell people when y’all are rich and famous?

Alessandro: Our first event was March 8th and we’ve done close to 25 events since then. So one thing we’ve learned is now we’re focusing on bigger events.

Berto: As opposed to, like, when we first started it was like get us a name where we can go.

Alessandro: Get us many more gigs, you know. Let’s do five markets this week whereas it’s a lot easier to just plan out bigger things as opposed to having to move all the stuff downtown five different times in one week.

Nick: It’s kind of like the same concert they did with, like, the McGregor, Mayweather fight. They’ve been talking about it since 2015, you know, just space it out. Let people like plan their day out, like, if this is an event, like, I have to go out to see this and like give me enough time to plan for it.

Kyle: Yeah. It’s true. Y’all have been doing some shows, any other successes that y’all are having?

Alessandro: Yeah. So recently, you can call them retailers, I prefer to call them installations, but we’ve set up a couple different partnerships with some local businesses. One of them being Furnish Me Vintage, we absolutely love them down there, they’re like family to us. And another one is Mesu project. Mesu360 project gallery, they’re by St. Petersburg, they’re on the corner of 6th Street and 1st Ave North. So what we’re doing with those two different stores is providing people with the seven days a week permanent location where they can come and shop and then that way they don’t have to wait for the pop-ups, and what we’re trying to do with each location is have different things.

So at Furnish Me Vintage, we’re trying to have less brand focused items, things more focused on loud colors, loud patterns, just crazy things like you would see on that ’70s show “True vintage” and then at Mesu, because they sell sneakers. It’s more of like a street wear where we’re in a tight place, that’s where I’m gonna have some of these truck jackets, more brand focused things. So depending on what type of shopping experience you’re looking for, you’ll be able to go to those different locations.

And then these we’re in the middle of kind of redoing it now from this used to hold everything to where this is now gonna be private gallery where we’re gonna keep the best of the best and we’re gonna have like a spending minimum to be able to even come back here and see what we have. So you’re pretty lucky.

Nick: For those who really want to be pampered, if you pay an additional amount you can get a personal meal made by Berto.

Kyle: Oh, sweet.

Alessandro: Yeah. We’re working on doing like a couple different things advancing and then guiding more and more experiences for people to come by and check out.

Berto: And for those of you that don’t know, Furnish Me Vintage is a great place. It’s down on Central Avenue, down in St. Petersburg. They have four floors of vintage material. On the bottom floor, I’d say it’s sort of like, Danish mid-century. Second floor, they have that cool, the guy with the vinyl.

Alessandro: Yeah. The second floor is redone to where there’s like a couple furniture pieces but it’s a clothing boutique now, vintage sound, records, so yeah. The second floor is just they’ve kind of just added a couple other things that just go with their vintage theme that just expand their inventory and then third and fourth floor are more great furniture honestly and stuff.

Kyle: And y’all are going to be located…which floor are y’all gonna be located?

Together: We’re on the second floor.

Alessandro: We’re currently on the second floor there.

Nick: The party floor.

Alessandro: Right, and the Mesu360 project gallery will be in the October-ish, November first by the way.

Kyle: So Furnish Me Vintage is located at 1246 Central Avenue in St. Petersburg, Mesu360 is located at 578 First Avenue North also in St. Petersburg. Next time y’all are in St. Petersburg looking to check out some cool stuff, come check them out there. I always like to end on this question. What’s the one thing that I didn’t ask y’all that you wish that I had asked?

Alessandro: Yeah. What is the one thing?

Berto: We all have a couple ideas actually, what we kind of where it all should end. Like, I have a menu that I’ve been working on for a couple years now. It’s a concept called Middle Schools. So it’s gonna be like a higher-end version of all your favorite middle school lunches.

Kyle: Are we talking what, like Jello with grapes on it?

Berto: But like, I’m gonna make the Jello and do some molecular stuff to the grapes. That’s like my dream. Alessandro has a couple shops he wants to open.

Alessandro: I really love clothes and fashion and it really is my passion. So like me and Nick we talked about it all the time as we grow, you know, we are gonna have to let go of these things like operational duties, like, being the salesmen in the shop. Unfortunately, that’s not something that I like ever really wants to let go of and so we’ll see what happens, but I just want to keep growing with the clothes.

Again, I really love traveling. And growing up I always wanted to see the world. So I just want to travel, surround myself in clothes and fashion and be happy with my friends and family.

Kyle: Awesome. And Nick, where do you see it?

Nick: You know, I see myself just being able to do what I want to do. You know, to put your all into something. That’s something that I haven’t really been able to do with a lot, but this is something that I’m literally putting in my off.

Kyle: It’s always amazing when you take something from nothing and then just you create a whole cloth out of nothing. It’s like, “Hey, this is our thing.” Like, this is what we’ve made. It’s awesome.

Alessandro: I mean, I’ve always been real confident in anything I do, but when we first started, people were like, “What are you guys doing?” “Oh, you know, we got these like little pop-up stuff.” Some people didn’t get it, but now, like, I love when people ask what I do.

Nick: It’s more defined.

Kyle: It takes a while to get your message down. So awesome and last question, how much for the Buccaneers helmet over there?

Berto: Oh.

Alessandro: We’ll do $30 for you.

Kyle: Sweet. All right. You heard it, they gave me a deal. All right. Well, thank you to the AOK Family and that was Berto, and Nick and Alessandro and you can check them out at Furnish Me Vintage or Mesu360.

Alessandro: Yeah. Mesu360.

Kyle: All right. Thanks, fellas.

Together: Thank you, too.

Kyle: So I’d like to thank Nick, Berto and Alessandro for that interview, as you can hear we had quite a bit of fun. They are really fired up about the clothing and the kitchen. Lots of excitement and passion there. If you’re interested in seeing their wears, you can find them at Furnish Me Vintage which is at 1246 Central Avenue in St. Petersburg, Florida. If you wanna find them on social media, you can go to Facebook or Instagram and do a search for World Thrifts and/or you can do a search for Pop-up Shop and Kitchen and they’ll pop up there as well. So, thanks, guys.

Segment two: Just the facts. Did you know that the average person spends six months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green? If you’re anything like me, it’s a pretty sobering thought. So if you’re listening to this in your car and you have to be sitting at a red light, just know that you’re counting up the six months of your life waiting for red lights to turn green.

Outro. So I want to thank you for sharing “Great Things Tampa Bay” with your friends and family. You can share us by going to our website There you’ll find the “Share it” buttons on nearly every page. You can share us on Twitter, Facebook, all that good stuff. If you are looking for your own great place in Tampa Bay, I’m also a licensed realtor specializing in deep knowledge of Hillsborough and Pinellas County.

So if you wanna talk real estate, you can give me a call at 727-300-2111 or you can send me an email at, that’s and I’d be more than happy to help you find your next home here on Tampa Bay. I also need your feedback. I need you to tell me where we should be going and what we should be eating and who we should be talking to. So please go to our website, there you can hit either the “Contact Us” link at the top or the “Get Social” links also at the top.

If you wanna be a cool guy or a cool girl, you can call our voicemail number which is 727-440-4455 and leave us a message. I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for listening. I’ll see you next time and oh, by the way, if you don’t want to miss the next episode, please subscribe to us on iTunes or Google Play. That will guarantee that you get the next episode delivered straight into your mobile device of choice. So, thank you so much. I’ll talk to you next time.

Episode Great Eats Great People Location St Pete

Episode 3 – Don’t Pass on Pass-A-Grille

Episode 3

Don't Pass on Pass-A-Grille

Alexa, play Great Things Tampa Bay.

Show Notes

In Episode 3 you will learn how to have a great day at Pass-A-Grille beach.  We also review a great seafood restaurant at Selene on St Pete Beach.

Want to hear someone wax nostalgic about the Hospitality House at Busch Gardens, or the travesty of the tree removal at Kiley Park in Tampa?  We also feature some listener nostalgia, including some that you wouldn’t want your mother to know about!

A Great Day at Pass-A-Grille Beach

Selene Restaurant

  • Selene Restaurant

    4945 Gulf Blvd,  St Pete Beach FL 33706

    • Lobster Linguini is amazingly prepared.
    • Shrimp + Scallops Risotto
    • Melted Chocolate Sponge Deliciousness

    (727) 317-2064

Things You Don't Need To Know Until You Do

Beware the horse with his ears pinned back!

Nostalgia Wax


Thinking about buying or selling a home in Tampa Bay? I’d love to talk with you about it!

Just want to browse what’s available?  Check out the map!

Great Things Tampa Bay is hosted and produced by Kyle Sasser.

There was no paid advertising in this episode.  All recommendations are given based on personal experiences.

Leave us a comment or review at our VoiceMail Only line



Welcome to Great Things Tampa Bay, the podcast about great eats, great places, and great people in the greater Tampa Bay Area. I’m your host Kyle Sasser, a Tampa Bay native, and a realtor.

Thank you for inviting me along on your commute to work. Maybe you’re out doing some yard work, and I wanna thank you for taking the time to put me in your ear. It means a lot to me and I appreciate each and every listener.

Today is April 5th, 2017. And in this episode, we cover how to have a great day at Pass-a-Grille Beach. I also ask what spots in the area you might miss, maybe your favorite restaurant’s closed or other such thing. And we also talk about the Horsemen of Apocalypse, riding across the United States of America. So stay tuned and remember that we wanna interact with you, our listeners. Easiest way to find us online is at our website That’s G-R-E-A-T-T-H-I-N-G-S-T-B dot com. And from there, you will see a link to all of our various social profiles. So we are on Instagram and Facebook. And recently we’ve opened a Twitter account. So that’s definitely the best way to stay in contact with us.

We would love to hear about your favorite spots. You’re welcome to ask us for recommendations, or you can just say hi and, you know, tell us how much you like or dislike the program.

Segment one, Pass-A-Grille. So this past weekend the wife and I, we took a much needed few days off. She took more than I did but yeah. She had four days off, and I just had the weekend. But we decided to make something a little special, do something a little out of the ordinary. If you’ve lived in the Tampa Bay Area for any amount of time, you find something strange starts to happen, and that is that you stop going to the beach. It’s amazing how many people have lived here and go months, years without going to the beach, and it’s one of our primary defining features. And we have people come from all over the world to come here to see our great beaches here and most of us just, you know, don’t take the time to get out there and enjoy them. You know, honestly, they’re beautiful. They’re some of the best beaches in the world.

So with that mind, we set about having a great time on Pass-A-Grille and St. Pete Beach. So I wanted to share that with you, and you are welcome to duplicate this, mix it up a little bit. We’re gonna recommend some foods, some spots, and absolute must avoid if you value a good time.

So without further ado. So Pass-A-Grille Beach, if you’re not aware, is just South of St. Pete Beach. If you head the South on 275 from St. Petersburg, it is the last exit before you get to Skyway. It will have, you know, their signs there so St. Pete Beach. You get off there and you come around the left, go through a toll plaza, go through Tierra Verde, which is a great place, and beautiful houses and condos there, a golf course. You’ll go over a large bridge, and you will see the large pink Don CeSar which as my wife described it looks like a large pink sand castle. And I believe that was the actual look they were going for. So you’ll get to that intersection. You’ll take a left. You will go under the Don CeSar parking bridge valet thing, go under that. So keep going straight under the parking garage / valet bridge at the Don CeSar and continue heading south. This road is currently under construction so keep that in mind. The detours get a little funky. But keep making your way south. You’ll eventually get to Pass-A-Grille. And the way Pass-A-Grille is set up is there are some shops and restaurants and things like that that look directly across some diagonal parking spots and out towards the beach. And it is on the gulf side. So there is an intercostal waterway where you can also park and, you know, fish, maybe take your dog for a walk, and all that stuff. You know, there’s no dogs allowed on the beach proper. But if you continue over to the gulf side then you’ll see all the shops and all that stuff. So the secret is you have to get there early. And by early definitely 100% before 10 and preferably before 9 plus it’s a lot cooler. Everyone knows that it gets extremely hot at the beach in Florida especially in the summertime, so get there early.

We went for breakfast, and there are a few options. Seahorse is a great recommendation. But we decided to go with Hurricane. It is directly across from the beach. You have a view at the dunes and the beach. And it was a little bit more of the feel that we were looking for since we hadn’t been at the beach for quite some time. The reviews and everything has also said that the Seahorse is a great choice and they have some stupendous food there. And Hurricane is…they also have some good food, but Seahorse is a little bit more on the foodie side I think if you’d wanna say that.

So we went to Hurricane. I had the biscuits and gravy with sausage, and the wife had the shrimp and grits. It was absolutely delicious. I can’t say that it’s mind-blowing. If it wasn’t for the view, it would definitely be mid-tier, like I wouldn’t tell help people to go out of their way to go there, but if it’s what you’re looking for then it’s good. But with the view and the Morning Sun, it was a great experience. The coffee was delicious which to me is rare. I drink my coffee black and usually, it is bitter as hell in most places. But this was actually nice. It was actually nicely brewed, and I was able to drink it black which is surprising, to be honest. So as far as the food goes, the gravy was amazing. It was a white gravy with sausage in it. It was delicious. I also got two sausage patties which were a little on the overdone side but were still edible and delicious, and hit just the spot. I was pretty hungry that morning, so I was a little more forgiving than usual. But it was delicious. The wife’s shrimp and grits were also cooked very well and delicious. We both ate everything that was on our plates so can’t complain too much there.

So after eating and leaving Hurricanes, we went over to the actual beach. They have a little beach house/changing room/bar and grill area. And they had a little art festival, arts and crafts things going on with a few booths set up, maybe, I don’t know, maybe 10 booths. So we went over there to check it out. And they have been typical fair, you know, the wood carved pelicans, the dried starfish ornaments, and headbands. You know, that sort of typical beach craft fair stuff. But we did find this amazing gentleman whose name slips my mind. I have the business card at home. But I’ll basically just call him butterfly creations or the butterfly guy. And basically, what they do is, they take all of the beautiful iridescent blue, green, red yellow, all the colors of the rainbow. They take those butterflies that are farmed all around the world, and they take them and then mount them in art installations inside of clear boxes. So, some of these boxes are very small. You know, maybe six by six for a single butterfly. And we went for…but these were so amazing that we had to go for the big guy. And it has about 25 butterflies in front of it. It is extremely tall. The case is very well made, and it is arranged almost like a rainbow, where there’s like three or four red ones together, three or four yellow ones together, three or four blue ones together. Indigo isn’t really a color of the rainbow. Mr. Isaac Newton, so that one’s not there. But there’s a green, absolutely amazing. And we couldn’t leave without it. It looked great. So if you’re there and art show is going on, definitely stop by over there. They usually have some really cool stuff.

So if you’d like more information on the butterfly guy, we are probably going to be featuring him on a future episode. It was so unique. I hadn’t seen anything like it before. We will be including that on the show notes. So please go to our website if you’d like a link to them.

After going through the Art Fair, we went and actually set up on the beach proper, and had umbrellas, chairs, etc., etc. And after a little while, we decided to get up and walk around for a little while. And that is where we get to the things to avoid on Pass-A-Grille. So my wife wandered off to look at some booze. And I was there at the…They have like a grill and refreshments placed there. And I was looking and lo and behold they had daiquiris, pina coladas, and all that good stuff.

Honestly, you would be better off taking your eight dollars, walking to the edge of the water and throwing your eight dollars into the Gulf of Mexico. So the drinks they make there…now, they have beer, and beer…can’t really mess it up. You know what you’re getting. They also have wine and champagne. Mimosas, I think those are also pretty easy to swing. You know, you kind of know what you’re expecting. You know what you’re gonna get, no surprises there, no surprises there.

This place though, when they make their daiquiris, they make it out of a process wine that gets to like 20% alcohol, and it is horrible. It actually made my wife physically ill. And if you’re trying to imagine the taste of what exactly this could taste like, think about making a strawberry daiquiri which is supposed to be kind of sweet, you know, like fruity and beachy, like that kind of feel. But imagine it tastes more like the eight-dollar cooking wine that you get at the grocery store with that real, oh, you know, just like you wanna…your tongue…the taste just sticks to your tongue. It’s ugh. So stay away from the mixed drinks there. They do have a disclaimer on the board that said, you know, that their drinks are made from a process wine. And I was naïve. I thought, “Well, that’s interesting. You know, it must be good if they’re selling it.” And I was sadly mistaken. So, yeah, so avoid that. If you’re looking for that sort of thing just get a beer or a mimosa, something like that.

So we hung out there for another few hours and, you know, had a great time. The beach is always lovely, very relaxing, clears your thoughts. It does get crowded so be sure to pick your spot there early. And it’s really all about…Pass-A-Grille is really all about getting there early and positioning. If you can get there during the week, of course, the job is a lot easier. It is not nearly as crowded during the week. But if you’re a hard-working soul and the weekends are your only time then just keep in mind. You wanna get out there early.

After we went to Pass-A-Grille, we wanted to do dinner. So we drove home to shower, change, get ready, and all that stuff and then we went back to St. Pete Beach and ate at Selene which is north of the Don CeSar. It’s kind of between Sirata and TradeWinds. So just south of St. Pete Beach proper and wasn’t really sure what to expect. I hadn’t heard much about it. My wife did have some information on it, and she really wanted to go. And so, we went.

We go inside. The decor is very, very cool. So my wife had had a little information about the area, and she kind of knew what she wanted to order as soon as we get in there. So we get in and order up, and she gets the most amazing looking lobster linguini, just the way it was prepared. It came with the lobster shell arranged on top of it. It was cooked to absolute perfection. The sauce that it was cooked in was nearly perfectly balanced. The pasta was amazingly well done. And she and I both agreed that it was some of the best seafood that we have had.

Now, with that, let me give a little description of my seafood classifications. So I have what I call real seafood, which is seafood that is prepared with…you know, like bras [SP], grilled, prepared sort of like by…I don’t wanna say like by an actual chef because that sounds horrible but, you know, like it has like a recipe to it, and there’s a few more flavors going on than just the seafood. Then I have on the other side what I like to call “easy seafood” which is not easy to do well by any stretch of the imagination. Just it’s what I have typically run into in the area through my years here. And this would be, you know, your fried shrimp, your grouper sandwiches, that sort of fair.

So this is definitely on the recipe side of seafood. And just the blend and balance and the ingredients, the taste. It was great. It was great. And we took it home, and it was still delicious the next day. And we can’t wait to go back to get that again. I had the shrimp and scallops risotto which was prepared to perfection. The scallops were perfectly seared and cooked, and the shrimp also were…you know, they pulled them right at the perfect time, excellently prepared. The risotto was great but did not compare in any fashion to the lobster risotto. So we also had a glass of rosé which was good. You know, I’m not really gonna get into big of a thing on labels and all that stuff. But it was great. It was chilled. It went well with the meal. And at the end, of course, with my sweet tooth had to try desserts. And they had a chocolate, of course. I mean, you know, I’m not gonna go for anything else. They had a chocolates… basically, it was a chocolate lava cake. You can call it. I mean if you look on the menu, you can see it. And this one was done a little differently than usual. Most lava…and it wasn’t called a lava cake. And I’m sure they’re getting mad about this. But, you know, let’s be real. It was a chocolate sponge thing with melted chocolate in the middle of it. So this one was done a little bit differently than usual than most of the lava cakes you will have. It did not concentrate so much on the cake part. It was actually more of a really dense…the sponge was really, really dense, and the star of the show was really the melted chocolate on the inside which was stupendous. But personally, I guess I love my gluten or something. I wish the cake was a little bit thicker. And this was a little too, I wanna say chewy, but it’s not like it was tough. It was unexpected, unique definitely and definitely worth to order if you love chocolate, just the sheer amount of melted chocolate inside of it was worth the price of admission.

So, we will absolutely be back to Selene. It was delicious. We’ll probably be back to Hurricanes as well. The location is unsurpassed. They also have upstairs there, so you can sit up there and get you some drinks or some breakfast or some seafood. And it was a great time. And I would like to invite you to duplicate our day.

Segment two, let’s get personal. So I’ve been thinking the past week about, you know, places that’s closed. I saw something pop up on my Facebook feed with Fuma Bella, which is this little hole in the wall in Ybor city, and they posted that basically, they will be closing soon like their lease is up or they’re selling. Something’s happening or they’re moving on and, you know, it hit me a little close to home because that is the first place where I had a cocktail out and about in the world. So, it is kind of special to me. With that said, you can really fit only about 10 people in the place, like its small. But this got me to thinking about some of the other things in Tampa Bay that have closed or moved on. And I figured I’d put it out to you all. And I have actually asked around in the local Reddits for St. Pete-Clearwater in Tampa Bay. You know, like what people miss that’s closed recently. One gentleman said that he misses Ye Olde Tea Shoppe up in Temple Terrace, and apparently, that was a delicious sandwich shop up there that had great, great stuff and kind of sad I missed that. It sounded stupendous. I did ask the person if Dunderbak’s was comparable, and they said that it was but not the same, of course. It never is. But Dunderbak’s has been around since the mid-’70s, so give them some respects, and they definitely deserve your business.

Me personally, some of the things that I remember that are now closed. Eastlake Square Mall which is now Net Park. It’s located over close to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. And it’s on a 56th Street. And like I said, it’s now a corporate center. But I remember going there. That was basically the only mall in the area close to me growing up in Plant City in the early ’80s. So we would go there. They had all the stores both Lindsay’s and all that good stuff. The one thing I remember those, they had this model train upstairs that you controlled with like a little knob. You can control how fast the train goes. And I don’t know. Just like as a five-year-old, I thought it was the most awesome thing that I’ve ever seen in my life. I always begged my parents to let me play with it. And sometimes they did. Sometimes they didn’t. I mean, you know, they were being good parents. You can’t say yes all the time. But yeah, I definitely…a lot of good memories there. And yeah, that closed down. And was empty for a while and then it got redeveloped in the Net Park which is basically corporate offices and all that good stuff.

Another thing I miss that was…It still exists, but it is much diminished is Kylie Gardens or Kylie Park which is downtown Tampa next to the Art Museum, between the Art Museum and the Beer Can Building. So, I remember it as being kind of an urban wonderland. It used to have like trees. There was like stairs you had to go up to get there from…what is that road? Ashley? Whatever the main north-south road is off of Interstate. And they used to have big trees. They provided plenty and plenty of shade. They used to have reflecting pools and water that would flow down from the amphitheater close to the river and would come all the way out to…you know, let’s just call it Ashley. I don’t remember the name of that road for some reason. So you could go in there and even though you were in the city, it would be quiet, and you can think and walk around. So of course, there was a little issue with graffiti and people sleeping in the park and stuff like that. It was quickly neglected. The pavers and everything kind of got tossed around. You know, the water features got turned off, which is understandable. It did leak into the parking garage below it. And the trees went untrimmed. And generally, it was just looking kind of sad. So it was renovated with the Riverwalk Redevelopment and all that, maybe…I don’t know. Maybe 10 years ago or something like that. They pulled all of the trees out. The water features are gone. It’s lost a lot of its pizzazz which is kind of sad because Kylie is actually a really well-renowned landscape architect. From what I remember from my research back in 2006 or ’07 when they were redoing it, he’s one of the few landscape architects that has actually had his work designated as a…you know, given like a landmark status or a special recognition. And we did honestly lose something when it was renovated. It does look great now and fits in well with the new art museum. But let me tell you. It’s definitely lost something downtown because…I used to work in the AM South Building in Tamp. I think it’s the Region’s now but it’s the tall one to the south of the Bank of America building. And on lunch breaks, I used to go downstairs, and I’d walk down to Kylie Park and walk around in the trees and just have a quiet lunch down there. And it was really enjoyable, so definitely miss that.

One of the last things I miss is Busch Gardens being Busch Gardens. So InBev sold Busch Gardens I think maybe…it’s probably maybe almost a decade now. So they sold Busch Gardens and all of the Sea World group to Blackstone which is basically like an investment group. And of course, since the Anheuser-Busch/ InBev no longer owns it, the beer definitely did not take front center anymore. You know, before then they had the hospitality house where you can go and try free beer. But my personal favorite was the adult’s safari which was always the last tour to take off, you know, out into the savannah there, Busch Gardens. So the first part of it would be a beer and cheese tasting which doesn’t sound like it would go together too well, but it was surprisingly tasty. You know, I mean, this definitely wasn’t anything crazy good. But you know, it was a nice break from the rest of the park and that madness.

After that, they would load you up on a flatbed truck, throw a cooler Anheuser-Busch’s finest products on the back with you and basically said you could have as many as you want as we go around the safari. So then you’d take off out into the savannah. And first stop, you know, you’d go around, look at all the animals. Usually, they would bring a bunch of lettuce with you, and the giraffes would come over and stick their…you know, crane their necks down to where you’re at, and you could feed them. And it was a little gross because their tongues are really long. But you know, it’s a lot of fun.

All while consuming delicious Anheuser-Bush products. And I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes out there but I can guarantee you, it was a great time. And you would continue on around the savannah. The last major event would be to stop and look at the rhinoceros. And they would always tell the story how one the more ornery rhinoceros would come over and would kind of headbutt the truck and one time even hooked its horn under the back bumper and lifted the entire back of the truck up just like that. So thankfully that did not happen any of the times I was there. I could only imagine.

And then come around and, you know, finish your tour up. And it was a really good time, and I really miss that. So please, bring that back.

Some of the other mentions on the social media when I brought this topic up was about a water park over on US 19 next to Pam. And can’t say I ever made it there. We only went to Adventure Island, to be honest, and that was good enough for me. So If you have some fond memories of that water park, you’re not alone. And the other one was…the Tonga Lounge came up a lot which was a pretty well-known strip club. You know, I mean, that’s kind of what Tampa’s known for. So that was definitely…definitely popped up a few times. That was a little…Before my time. I mean, it’s never really been my thing but that was a little before I was of age, shall we say. But if you miss that place, you are also not alone.

Segment three, the Horsemen Ride. So this segment is a little out of the usual. It’s nothing crazy like horses biting or anything. I just wanted to give you a heads up that there is a solar eclipse this year. The solar eclipse is August 21st, 2017. And it’s really cool because it’s going all the way across the country. It is going from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina and all points in between. So totality, which is when the sun is completely covered, is going to be around two minutes and 30 seconds at its longest. So if you’re right smack in the middle, you should have 2 minutes and 30 seconds of the Sun being covered which is crazy. If you would like to plan this trip, I would recommend doing so now. And you can do so by going to numerous websites, just a quick Google search for eclipse 2017 totality will bring up some maps, and you can pick where you’re going to go. I would tell you where I’m going to go. But I don’t want a lot of people there. But we will be, you know, like Tennessee, North Georgia, North Carolina area that we’ll try out. Some great places up there. It’s going right across Blairsville, Helen, Murphy. So if you know a great spot in those areas, go there and check it out.

If you are thinking about moving, buying, or selling your home, let’s talk. I’d love to help you find your own great place in Tampa Bay. Please give me a call at 727-300-2111 or send me an email at That’s K as in kangaroo, Y is in yo, L as in llama, E as in Everest, at, S as in Samsonite, A is an Aardvark, S as in Samsonite, S as in Samsonite, G as in gutter, R as in a roof, O as in octopus, U as in ukulele, P as in petunia, dot com. And please, join us on social media. The easiest way to find us it is to go to our website That’s G-R-E-A-T-T-H-I-N-G-S-T-B dot com. And there you’ll find show notes for our episodes, transcripts, and links to find us on our social media profiles. If you would like to reach us directly on Facebook where at On Instagram, we’re And we thrive off your comments, likes, shares, follows, questions, etc. So please, come and interact with us even if it’s just to ask for the best pina colada in Pass-A-Grille is. So, thanks for listening to Great Things Tampa Bay and I’ll see you next time.

Episode Great Eats Great People Location St Pete

Episode 2 – Urban Refuge

Episode 2

Urban Refuge

Alexa, play Great Things Tampa Bay.

Show Notes

In Episode 2 you will find one of the great neighborhoods of St Petersburg (hills and creeks!) and an interview with the owner of Urban Restaurant Group.

I dish the secrets on my recreational activities, and terrify you with a risk from technology you now have to worry about.

Transcript at the bottom of this page!

Roser Park

Let's Get Personal

Want to learn how to sail?

Want to learn to play bridge?

Sailing is the closest thing I’ve found to the peaceful focus found while camping or hiking (two other favorite pursuits of mine).

Bridge is similar to learning a new language, with the payoff “gotchas” of a great board game :).


Thinking about buying or selling a home in Tampa Bay? I’d love to talk with you about it!

Just want to browse what’s available?  Check out the map!

Great Things Tampa Bay is hosted and produced by Kyle Sasser.

There was no paid advertising in this episode.  All recommendations are given based on personal experiences.

Leave us a comment or review at our VoiceMail Only line


Kyle: Welcome to Great Things Tampa Bay, the podcast about great eats, great places, and great people in the greater Tampa Bay area. I’m your host, Kyle Sasser, a Tampa Bay native and realtor. Thanks for inviting me along on your commute to work or putting me in your ear at the gym, it means a lot to me. I know that there are many other podcasts that you could be listening to and you have chosen this one, so you have my thanks. We wanna interact with you, our listeners. The easiest way to find us online is at our website That’s From there on our website, you’ll be able to find all of our podcast episodes. And also, we have a page for social connections where you can find us on all of the various social media sites. You can ask us for recommendations if you’re looking for a place to go or something to do. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to kiteboard and you’re wondering where the best place to learn to do that is. Or maybe you just wanna say hi and let us know that you are a listener and that you love the show, or that you hate the show, but either way we would like to hear from you, so please find us on the website and let us know.

Segment 1, Quiet Refuge.

So for our first episode we reviewed my favorite restaurant in the area and that was Urban Brew and BBQ. So if you have not heard that, please go back and listen. They are definitely worth the visit. This episode, I’m going to mix things up a little bit and tell you about one of my favorite neighborhoods in the Tampa Bay area. So the name of the neighborhood is Roser Park, and it is located over in St. Petersburg, Florida. So if you are in downtown St. Pete, you can head south on Fourth Street and you will take a right on Roser Park Drive. Just past 9th Avenue, south, there’s a little creek there and that is the neighborhood. It is a very small neighborhood, it’s only taking up just a few streets and a few blocks, but the impact that it has on people that visit there is exponentially greater than its geographical size. This neighborhood has something that is very rare to find in Florida, especially along the coast, and that is that the houses are actually built on hills overlooking a creek, and there are huge oak trees covering a brick-lined street. It’s absolutely amazing. It feels very quiet and serene when you’re there, and it’s an amazing, amazing place. So the houses there are generally older wood-frame houses. They were built back in the early 1900s, but it’s an absolutely beautiful street. When you’re driving down there, you are transported away, it’s almost like you’re in the mountains. It’s crazy, it’s crazy. Definitely worth the drive through.

So, let me give you a little history about Roser Park. It was one of the earliest streetcar suburbs in St. Petersburg, built directly south of downtown. There used to be a streetcar that ran there. Old Northeast was built around the similar time frame, but this one was unique because it was named after the developer, Charles Roser, who was from Ohio. The interesting tidbit about him is he made his fortune in Ohio having invented the Fig Newton, which personally, I’m a fan of. It’s not like we keep them in the house at all times. I’m not a huge raving fan, you know, like I don’t have a Fig Newton hat, but I do have a little nostalgia for them because every time we would go camping in the mountains, the two things we would always have is sugar wafers, which are those really dry sugar things which I also kinda get a nostalgic kick every time I go camping, and Fig Newtons. And it’s kind of one of those things where you have a certain thing you do and you only buy this product at that certain time, and for me that’s Fig Newtons and camping. Yeah, so Roser Park is named after Charles Roser from Ohio and he developed the Fig Newton.

The way the neighborhood is laid out is you have Booker Creek, which is a small creek that winds through the neighborhood, and then you have a little park next to that, and then there is a brick, it’s a brick street that follows the creek through the neighborhood. And then the houses are built up on a hill, to the left if you’re coming from Fourth Street. The houses are older, they’re usually relatively stately, you know, multiple stories, and the homes are so tall that you actually have to kind of crane your neck up when you’re walking along the street. It’s hard to describe how unusual it is without seeing it in person. Even the pictures don’t really do it justice. So since it’s such a small neighborhood, things do not become available very often and they are usually in high demand, so it is usually a combination of luck and timing and maybe a little bit of insider knowledge to get a home in Roser Park. So if you drive through that neighborhood and you absolutely love it and you absolutely have to live there, please send me a message and I will be sure to add you to the list to be notified whenever something becomes available there. You can do that by sending me an e-mail at That’s K-Y-L-E S-A-S-S-E-R G-R-O-U-P dot com. Roser Park is absolutely amazing, you have to drive through there and see it if you are in the area. There’s nothing like it around.

Segment 2, Urban Interview, Part 1.

So, last week I reviewed Urban Brew and BBQ, which is my favorite restaurant in the area. And I did reach out to them before I released the episode to get their thoughts, maybe a little bit of history and all that, and they were kind enough to offer their owner, whose name is Andy, for an interview. He had some really great and interesting things to say about the restaurant business and what he’s trying to do with the Urban brand. So please enjoy this interview, I believe you will find it as interesting as I did.

Kyle: All right, if you could just introduce yourself and what you do, what you own, what your businesses are.

Andy: My name is Andy Salyards and I own the Urban Restaurants Group here in St. Pete.

Kyle: Okay, and that is Urban BBQ?

Andy: Urban Brew & BBQ is the first one. Second one was Urban Comfort Restaurant and Brewery. Next one is Urban Creamery, which is down next to the state theater.

Kyle: That’s the ice cream place?

Andy: Yeah, ice cream and dessert waffles, and the next one and Urban Deli and Drafts.

Kyle: If you could just tell us where you came up with the Urban concept and just kind of what your overarching theme is.

Andy: Well, my path to get here is a pretty weird one, in that I went to the California Maritime Academy in the San Francisco Bay Area and got a degree in mechanical engineering, after that went and worked in a shipyard, went out to sea, worked mostly in the South Pacific.

Kyle: That’s pretty exciting.

Andy: It was like a different life. Came back to land and got my master’s in business, and then went and worked in Southern California, transitioned into facilities management, so I used to manage all the core houses in Los Angeles County. Then we moved out to Florida for my wife’s job and the option came up to invest in a cousin’s restaurant in California, and so I did that and that allowed me to go out there and work it and kind of see if it was something I wanted to do and thought I could do. So I researched a bunch, did a bunch of planning and figured out where if I were to have a business where I’d want it to be, so that’s what led me to this area, just because it’s a lot more independent and not really cookie-cutter, and gave it a shot. Then it hit all financial projections ahead of schedule and did way better than we thought it would. So that was not foreseen, because you know, in business school they teach you to do a projection that has the hockey stick, I don’t know if you’re familiar.

Kyle: Vaguely.

Andy: But you kind of never expect to actually achieve those projections. Those are projections you put on to convince investors you’re worth investing in. So then we saw the opportunity to do a brew pub since there’s so many breweries, but nobody offering food with their beer, and that’s what led to Comfort, and then kind of seeing where the market is going, how quickly it’s growing, and so we wanted to kind of just get footholds in places. And so we rented where Deli is way before it opened and used it for various things like storage, and then we kind of did a proof of concept with a brand called Provisions, which is still our sauce brand, where we’re gonna put all our rubs and sauces in. When Creamery came up there, we didn’t know exactly what we were gonna do with the space, but knew it was a good spot, and so we jumped on it. So now in 2017, we are at a position where we’ve been open about three and a half years and we have four locations, and so now it’s time to build an organization. So this year we are moving forward, figuring out how we make employees owners and how we introduce profit sharing and how we operate as one unit instead of four businesses separately.

Kyle: I was just gonna say, that’s a little surprising on the restaurant business side, because most …

Andy: Yeah, it is a little different. The idea of doing a restaurant group isn’t any different ,and we’re kind of getting to the point now where we’re bursting at the seams with our current processes and so we’re gonna have to, as an organization, make some changes kind of divvy up responsibilities, which is nothing new under the sun. The maybe little different thing that we’re doing is my goal is to make people that have helped grow this business into owners, but I’m also not a believer in just giving something to someone, because they don’t appreciate it as much, they don’t really protect it as much. And so how do you get someone to buy into a restaurant, especially in the restaurant industry because it’s not like everyone around here is making $100,000 a year. So you have to put capital in their pockets, and so how do you that? And so that led to the profit-sharing idea.

Kyle: I love it, I love it. Like, that’s actually awesome.

Andy: We’ll see. It looks like it’s going to work well. I’ve kind of paved the way with the lawyers and accountants and my advisers and the employees, and I think we know what we’re gonna do, and now it’s time to put in action, put everything on paper. So that should happen the next month or two. I haven’t proven it yet. We still have to…

Kyle: I understand that part too.

Andy: Hopefully we can prove that it works and that it’s worthwhile. It’s really all rooted laziness, because a lot of restauranteurs work crazy, crazy hours, and I have done that and I kind of continue to do that. I don’t wanna work that much.

Kyle: I don’t blame you.

Andy: And so if I can empower others to take more responsibilities, then I’m good with that.

Kyle: Yeah, exactly. Like, I always love…like, I’ve started up a few businesses and I always love getting it to the point where I can be like, “Let me train you how to do my job so I can go move up to the next level,” so always my favorite part. Did you have, like, a long time passion for barbecue to start this or just the…?

Andy: When it came to making the menu, I knew that I wanted to do everything from scratch. I’m kind of an idealist when it comes to that. Growing up for me, barbecue was kind of a special treat, we didn’t eat a ton of it, but it was one of those things, when I got an opportunity, then I was all over it. So when I was looking at different concepts, what I wanted to do, my cousin opened a barbecue place out in California…the California barbecue is way different than the rest of the country, is more grilling and it’s different equipment, it’s usually different wood, it’s definitely different cuts of meat. So that would not probably have done well here or it would have been a kind of a tougher road of hope.

Kyle: Yeah, having to kind of educate the public on what that is.

Andy: Right. Although we did just do a beer dinner where I did kind of a California barbecue menu and it seemed to go off pretty well. I just researched barbecue like crazy, read all kinds of books. In one day, I had ribs in Kansas City, St. Louis, and Memphis. I drove from one city to the other.

Kyle: Kind of getting both sides of that.

Andy: Yeah, and kinda looked at the different regions and the style that they’re known for and what direction I wanted to go, and me personally knowing that I’d rather have a rib that’s not been just basted in sauce…because if I wanna add sauce I’ll do it, so that’s more kind of a Memphis style. I wouldn’t say we follow Memphis flavors all the way.

Kyle: I will say, personally, that these are the best ribs I’ve ever had. And I don’t really like ribs that much, because usually I find they’re a little bland or like, and it’s not really a wet or dry thing, just I don’t like them. First time I came here with my wife, everybody was like, “Hey, you gotta try the ribs.” It was like, everybody’s telling me, so I might as well try it and…yeah, that was …

Andy: Awesome, that’s great to hear. So, I was really involved with the recipes here, but as we’ve progressed, you know, we’ve kind of stayed in the pocket of American food, so that’s where you get… The Southern Comfort food is more kind of closer to home for me. I have a set of grandparents from Arkansas, I have grandparents from Oklahoma, so that was a lot of fried chicken – that was like my birthday meal every year – fried pies, fried pork chops, collard greens.

Kyle: And I’m just gonna tell you the story. So, the first time I was here we have the ribs and we also ordered the collard greens. Like, I’m from Bilver[SP], Plant City, where the dinosaurs are, so I always try the collard greens wherever I go, and I had never had collard greens like I had here. And I actually had to ask how they were made and they explained, like, you know, taking the…

Andy: [inaudible 00:14:10] smoker and everything.

Kyle: Yes, and putting that in there, because it’s just like an explosion of smoke and spice.

Andy: I can say, because I didn’t make this recipe, these are the best collard greens I’ve ever had.

Kyle: It’s crazy, crazy, crazy. So hats off to the chef that came up with that one.

Andy: Actually, I think it’s the idea of the girlfriend of our general manager, is where all that started, and then it kind of amalgamated into something different.

Kyle: I hope you gave her a really nice present.

Andy: Yeah, yeah. And then Deli came about because I got into carrying meat. A buddy of mine here in town, made sausages with him and other stuff and kinda got interested in that because it’s just…you know, anything you buy from a store, at one point somebody made from scratch. And so when you buy a hotdog, like, people will get hotdogs [inaudible 00:14:54], but you can make that a really clean, maybe not healthy, but not-processed way.

Kyle: Now, do you use, like, what is the…

Andy: Nitrites. Yeah.

Kyle: All right, so full-on authentic, puring…

Andy: Oh yeah. When you dig into those books…I’m sure they have a bias because it’s their trade, but there’s more nitrites in a stock of celery than, like, a hotdog. And then we also started identifying what are things that we have to purchase from someone else that we can’t make. And so the two biggest ones was ice cream and bread. So that led to Creamery and Deli. Now it’s continually peeling that back, like what more can we do on our own and not have to rely on someone. I think we’re running out of stuff on the food side.

Kyle: That’s come up to my question here. So what’s next on the Urban plate?

Andy: I mean, we do have the Rays’ season coming up, we’re a vendor inside the stadium…

Kyle: Awesome.

Andy: …and I think we’re gonna be looking for more relationships like that where it’s not necessarily brick and mortar, but somewhere where we can come in and be a part of someone else’s establishment.

Kyle: So more of a getting Urban in more places?

Andy: Yeah, yeah. We built four locations in a pretty short amount of time and we built up four concepts, and we’re always gonna be tweaking these concepts. But, you know, building four concepts is different than building four locations, because at this point it’ll be like, “Yeah, we’ll start another barbecue, it’d be just no problem, we’d do that with our eyes closed. So there was a lot more work on the front end, but now we’re in a position where we can kind of identify areas of town or other towns that we wanna go into.

Kyle: Yeah, and I would think, with your shared ownership program, the additional locations would probably be, you know, a great way to…

Andy: Yes. You kind of build a black hole when you do that, you know, because everyone wants to see an opportunity. And so with that, you have to feed that, create more opportunity, how do you make this place not become stagnant, because if we just stick with four locations and then the people that are in those property-sharing positions have got cover, there’s no need to add anybody else in your property-sharing position, so then everybody down below realizes, “Okay, well there’s not really room for growth here.” We’re creating a beast here that needs to be fed, so we’re just figuring out how to feed it.

Kyle: I love it, and I will say four new concepts in, what, three years?

Andy: It’s a little aggressive.

Kyle: That’s very bold, very bold.

Andy: I moved, had a kid and we’re having the second one in June.

Kyle: Congratulations.

Andy: So we’re kind of just taking everything we can do in life at one time.

Kyle: So y’all are pretty much…so I know you said you’re from California, so you’re pretty much putting roots down here and…

Andy: Yeah, we’re not going anywhere, yeah.

Kyle: Kind of a hard thing to walk away from.

Andy: Yeah, I’m trying to convince my family to move out here right now.

Kyle: Why Florida instead of California or Colorado or…?

Andy: Well, so my wife got into a residency out here and so we had to come here. And originally it was, “Let’s do our four years and then go back,” but over time… What’s happening here in St. Pete is pretty unique. It’s a very small-town feel, it’s hard to go out and not run into somebody you know, but you still have all the amenities which you’d need in a big city, and then the opportunity here is pretty unparalleled. I’ve been able to travel a good amount and live in a couple different places. I’ve never set roots as quickly as I have here, and it’s kind of hard to walk away from.

Kyle: It’s a good place, it’s a good place. So, what would you say is your favorite part about St. Peter, Tampa Bay?

Andy: St. Pete, specifically, is the impact that one person can have. It’s still small enough where you can have your voice heard and you can make as much change, as much…compared to how much energy you wanna put into it. So if you’re really passionate about something or you wanna see something different, you have a viable chance of making that happen.

Kyle: So, thank you to Andy and the urban group for doing that interview. This is only the first part of the interview, we will be having a part 2 and maybe a part 3 further on in our podcast, so please stay tuned for that. He had a some really great ideas and just he’s doing some really impressive and unique things with the restaurant business.

Segment 3, Let’s Get Personal.

When it comes to recreation, I’m a little all over the place. I do have very wide-ranging interests. People that know me really well will tell you that I usually will focus on something for a relatively short period of time and then kinda lose interest a little bit. There’s been a few things that have held my interest, sailing in particular, but it’s tough when you get older. I’m 38. Well, not yet, I will be 38 at the end of April, and it’s tough to balance all of these recreational activities, trying to find time to do everything. I mean, you really can only pick one, maybe two at most. So I also love sailing. We own a old and small Catalina 25 with a pop top, which is kind of cool sailboat. We keep it downtown at the marina in front of the dolly[SP]. And honestly, you know, they say a boat is a hole in the water that you throw money in, and relatively true, we don’t use it nearly as much as we should. It was my first sailboat that I’ve owned, and I have learned a lot. I always recommend to start off small on that. I mean, it’s gonna cost way more money than you think it’s going to. You never really wanna start big on something like that, because you really can…you can lose a lot of money doing it. But love sailing, I’m actually gonna feature a sailing place in the near future on the podcast, I don’t wanna give too much information on that. So if you’d like to talk sailing or wanna know where to learn how to sail, please send me a message or hit me up on social media.

One of the other things I’ve started doing recently is I have started learning how to play bridge, which sounds strange I’m sure, but if I hear about something multiple times from very different sources, then I think that it’s the universe trying to tell me something and I should probably look into it. So I did hear about bridge from a few different places. I heard somebody talking about it and I heard it on a podcast and I think on a history book I was reading, it was mentioned that Eisenhower played bridge and loved the game, he was a big fan. So I was like, “All right, well, you know, I guess I’ll look into it.” So I go to a St. Pete bridge club. So it may have beginners all the way up to master class, I guess it’s called. Honestly, I’m way too early in the process to know the different levels. It’s a fascinating game, I’m really intrigued by it. It’s kind of like…it seems way more complicated and interesting than poker and chess to me. I’ve tried chess and poker, but I don’t know, they’ve never really struck too much of a chord with me. Like, for board games I would prefer Go vs. chess, and poker…I’m not really big on betting that much and just it doesn’t hold much interest to me. I know me learning bridge sounds absolutely ridiculous, but I will be sure to keep putting in some updates because it should be amusing. And everyone at the St. Pete bridge club was very nice, even though some of the players kinda raised an eyebrow at some of the plays I made, but hey, you know, that was the first time I had actually played with other people.

So, I’ve also played golf for a while. I’ve found it difficult the last few years to dedicate the time needed to play golf. It’s not that I’m a perfectionist, but I like to play at the level that I know that I can. And unfortunately with golf, I have found that to play at the level that I wanna play at, I have to practice at least two or three times a week and play once every week or two, and currently I do not have the time to do that. But that said, I am going to feature some of my favorite golf spots in future episodes, including what I call the golf Disneyland. So if you know somebody who loves golf, please subscribe so you can catch that episode. We have one of the best golf places. It’s not immediately in Tampa Bay, but it’s driving distance and it will…if you send someone who loves golf to this place, when they get back they’re gonna give you the longest, most borderline-uncomfortable hug you have ever gotten. So please subscribe so you can catch that.

Segment 4: Technology Is Scary.

Did you know that researchers now believe that flashing the peace sign when somebody’s taking your picture may leave you vulnerable to identity theft. And, basically, this comes from cell phone cameras being of such high quality nowadays that if you show the peace signs and basically show your fingerprints to the camera, that they can actually zoom in on your fingerprints, reconstruct them and then use that for biometric scans, like when you scan your fingerprint to get access to a door at work or something like that. So that’s pretty scary. Of course, though, they have a solution, so you might chalk this up as a manufactured problem, because I could not find any actual identity theft that has occurred this way. But if this is something that you are concerned about, they are manufacturing a film that you can place over your fingers so you can flash the peace sign, secure in the knowledge that nobody can steal your fingerprints. And the good thing about this film is, while it prevents cameras from being able to capture your fingerprints, it does not interfere with biometric scans, so you’re still able to get in that super secret top secret room or time clock at work.


If you’re thinking about moving, buying, or selling a home, let’s talk! I’d love to help you find your own great place in Tampa Bay. Please give me a call 727-300-2111, or you can send me an e-mail at That’s K as in kangaroo, Y as in yo-yo, L as in llama, E as in eagle, S as in Sam, A as in apple, S as in Sam, S as in Sam, E as in eagle, R as in row, G as in gourmet, R as in rental, O as in outdoors, U as in underbrush, P as in pinnacle, dot com. Also, join us on social media. Easiest way is to find us on the web at That’s G-R-E-A-T-T-H-I-N-G-S-T-B dot com, and click on our get social link, and that will lead you to all of our social profiles. We are on Snapchat and Instagram and Facebook, there’s also a link there to e-mail us. And I would like to thank you for going there and clicking on the Facebook button and liking our Facebook page. If you would like show notes, transcripts and additional information, if you would like details and to see additional pictures of Roser Park, which is the neighborhood featured in this episode, you can find that all at our website, If you’d like to connect to us directly on Facebook, we’re, or on Instagram we’re at, and again that is G-R-E-A-T-T-H-I-N-G-S-T-B. We thrive off of your comments, likes, shares, reviews, and questions, so thank you for all of those. And please come and interact with us, even if it is only to ask what the best dog daycare in Dunedin is. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you next time on Great Things Tampa Bay.